Runna Technology RadarRunna Technology Radar

How to use the Technology Radar


The Runna tech radar is a visual representation of our technology landscape. It helps teams make decisions about which technologies to use and provides insights into our technology strategy.

Understanding the Radar

The radar is divided into four quadrants:

  1. Languages & Frameworks: Programming languages and frameworks we use for building software
  2. Methods & Patterns: Development practices, architectural patterns, and methodologies
  3. Platforms & Operations: Infrastructure, hosting, and operational tools
  4. Tools: Development tools and utilities that support our work

Each technology appears as a blip on the radar, positioned in one of four rings:

  • Adopt: Technologies we recommend using in production
  • Trial: Technologies we're actively testing and evaluating
  • Assess: Technologies we're exploring but not yet ready for production use
  • Hold: Technologies we suggest avoiding for new projects

How to Read the Radar

  1. Blips: Each dot represents a technology. Hover over a blip to see its name
  2. Colors: Each quadrant has a distinct color to help you identify related technologies
  3. Position: The closer to the center, the more recommended the technology is
  4. Tags: Use the tag filter below the radar to focus on specific technology areas


If you'd like to suggest changes or additions to the radar:

  1. Review existing entries to avoid duplicates
  2. Consider the technology's maturity and our experience with it
  3. Submit your suggestion through our Slack channel

Regular Updates

The radar is updated periodically to reflect:

  • New technologies we've adopted
  • Changes in our recommendations
  • Deprecated technologies we're moving away from

For detailed information about any technology, click its blip on the radar or find it in the list.